Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Photo: Chatham House

Kamala Harris: The Most Progressive and Left-Wing Candidate for the US Presidency

There are those that describe her as more left than Bernie Sanders, which is no small thing.

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(ZENIT News / Washington, DC, 01.08.2024).- After Joe Biden pulled out of the presidential race, Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s virtual nominee, will face Donald Trump in the November 2024 elections. Religiously speaking, she was raised by a Christian father and a Hindu mother. She is married to Douglas Emhoff, Jewish man educated in a Reformist Synagogue.

Born in Oakland, California, her parents were civil rights activists, with whom she grew up, while “they spent the whole time marching and crying out for justice.”

She studied Law, made a career as a prosecutor in keeping with the social commitment breathed in her family and worked as District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General in California, with a combative stance, to the point that Donald Trump financed her campaign. Her lack of interest in pursuing sexual abusers of the Californian Catholic Church contrasts with her tenacious  defense of abortion and of the LGBTQ community.

Her positions can pose problems for Catholic voters, a key bloc. Harris promoted abortion constantly, examined Catholic judicial candidates and was opposed to pro-life pregnancy centers and activists. She has also taken on board the gender ideology and risky contraception plans, which attempt against the freedom of business owners and schools.

Her possible nomination has attracted donors alienated from the Party, the support of Governors and former Presidents and more than 1,340 delegates to reach the 1,976 she needs to guarantee her nomination.

As Vice-President, she headed many efforts of the Biden Administration to promote abortion in University campuses and the effort to codify Roe vs Wade in Federal Law, to enable the killing of babies in their mothers’ womb.

As Senator, she pressured three judicial candidates  (Brian Buescher, Paul Matey and Peter Phipps) over their affiliation with the Knights of Columbus. Her questions suggested that these candidates’ links with the Catholic organization could make them biased for adhering to the teachings of the Church on life and marriage.

During the interrogation, she asked Buescher if he agreed with the then Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, that abortion is “the murder of innocents on a large scale.” And she asked him if he knew “that the Knights of Columbus were opposed to equality marriage.” Buescher answered that the “Knights of Columbus is a Roman Catholic service organization with approximately two million members worldwide.”

Kamala Harris prosecuted oil companies that opted for fracking as a drilling method and sealed the deal of US$25,000 million during the 2008 mortgage crisis. Her woke ideological agenda is a characteristic note today. There are those that describe her as more left than Bernie Sanders, which is no small thing.

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Rafael Manuel Tovar

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