This act took place on the eve of the Day of Fasting and Prayer

This act took place on the eve of the Day of Fasting and Prayer Photo: Vatican Media

This is the prayer that the Pope said to Mary to pray for peace in the Holy Land and the world

On the eve of the Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace, the Pope prayed before the image of Our Lady in the Basilica of St. Mary Major.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 10.06.2024).- On the afternoon of Sunday, October 6, Pope Francis went to the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major to pray the Rosary and offer a plea to the Blessed Virgin for peace.

The Pope was accompanied by some of the participants in the Synod on Synodality. At the conclusion of the Rosary, Pope Francis addressed Mary with the prayer, which we now offer translated into English.

This act took place on the eve of the Day of Fasting and Prayer, originally called by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pizzaballa, and extended to the entire Church by Pope Francis.


Pope Francis’ prayer to invoke peace

O Mary, our Mother, we come again here before you. You know the sorrows and struggles that weigh heavily on our hearts in this hour. We lift our gaze to you, immerse ourselves in your eyes, and entrust ourselves to your heart.

You, too, O Mother, have faced difficult trials and human fears, but you were courageous and bold. You entrusted everything to God, responded to Him with love, and offered yourself without reservation. As the intrepid Woman of Charity, you hurried to help Elizabeth, promptly addressing the needs of the couple during the Wedding at Cana; with steadfastness of heart, on Calvary you illuminated the night of sorrow with the Easter hope. Finally, with maternal tenderness, you gave courage to the frightened disciples in the Upper Room and, with them, welcomed the gift of the Spirit.

And now we beseech you: heed our cry! We have need of your loving gaze that invites us to trust in your Son, Jesus. You who are ready to embrace our sorrows, fly to our aid in these times oppressed by injustices and devastated by wars, wipe the tears from the suffering faces of those who mourn the loss of their loved ones, awaken us from the stupor that has darkened our path, and disarm our hearts from the weapons of violence, so that the prophecy of Isaiah may quickly be fulfilled: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not take up sword against another, nor shall they train for war again” (Isaiah 2:4).

Turn your maternal gaze upon the human family, which has lost the joy of peace and the sense of fraternity. Intercede for our world in danger, so that it may cherish life and reject war, care for those who suffer, the poor, the defenseless, the sick, and the afflicted, and protect our Common Home.

We invoke you for the mercy of God, O Queen of Peace! Transform the hearts of those who fuel hatred, silence the din of weapons that generate death, extinguish the violence that brews in the heart of humanity, and inspire projects for peace in the actions of those who govern nations.

O Queen of the Holy Rosary, untie the knots of selfishness and disperse the dark clouds of evil. Fill us with your tenderness, uplift us with your caring hand, and grant us your maternal caress, which makes us hope in the advent of a new humanity where “… the wilderness becomes a garden land and the garden land seems as common as forest. Then judgment will dwell in the wilderness and justice abide in the garden land. The work of justice will be peace…” (Isaiah 32:15-17).

O Mother, Salus Populi Romani, pray for us!

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