The Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) called for a Day of Prayer for Nicaragua, in all the Churches of Latin America, next Sunday, July 22, 2018. In a press release published on July 18, the Bishops of Latin America and The Caribbean express their “closeness and solidarity” with the Nicaraguan people and their Pastors, “prophets of justice,” given the tragic and painful social and political crisis being experienced there at present.
“We also invite you not to close your ears in face of the clamor and suffering of our peoples,” said the Latin American Prelates in their message.
Here is the unabridged press release of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean.
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The Bishops’ Message
The Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean, as servants of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the hope of the world, express our closeness and solidarity with the Nicaraguan people and with their Pastors, prophets of justice, given the tragic and painful social and political crisis being experienced there at present.
“I Have Seen the Affliction of My People” (Exodus 3:7)
In face of this grave situation, we are called to be the voice of the voiceless, to have their rights valued and find ways of dialogue and establish justice and peace, “so that all may have life in Christ” (Cf. Document of Aparecida 54); especially, those that feel disconsolate because of death and violence. We encourage them to continue being defenders of human rights and bearers of hope.
“Do Not Be Overcome by Evil, but Overcomer Evil with Good” (Romans 12:21)
We also invite you not to close your ears in face of the clamor and suffering of our peoples, and to continue being courageous leaders through whom God makes Himself present and guides the history of His people.
It is our desire and we ask that next Sunday, July 22, in all our celebrations, in all the believing communities of all our countries, a special prayer be elevated for the People of Nicaragua.
+Cardinal Ruben Salazar Gomez
Archbishop of Bogota and Primate of Colombia,
President of CELAM
+Auxiliary Bishop Juan Espinosa Jimenez of Morelia, Mexico
Secretary-General CELAM
[ZENIT’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester]

Pope In Bogotá With The Celam (© Osservatore Romano)
CELAM: This Sunday, July 22, 2018, Latin America Will Pray for Nicaragua
Messages of the Bishops of Latin America and Caribbean