«We assure you that we are united with all of you in the sufferings, pains, and difficulties you are facing. We pray for all those who have lost their lives, for those who have been injured and for the families of the victims,» wrote Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario of Dacca, in a note sent, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh, to Bishop Winston S. Fernando of Badulla, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka.
In the note, reported May 6, 2019, by Fides News Agency, the Church in Bangladesh expressed «sincere solidarity and closeness to the whole population of Sri Lanka, to the Catholic Church and to all the victims of the tragic Easter attack.» Cardinal D’Rozario, said, «The whole Catholic community in Bangladesh is shocked and continues to suffer for the loss of so many lives. We have no words to express our feelings. We also pray for the conversion of those who have caused such inhuman violence and an attack on the peace of society both at a local and global level, once again we assure you, in these difficult times, support and solidarity, with thoughts and prayers. May the gift of Easter, triumph in the world.»
Even the Christian Protestant religious leaders of Bangladesh expressed solidarity with the Church in Sri Lanka. The Reverend Martha Das, Secretary of the «United Forum of Churches» in Bangladesh, said in a message: «We are saddened by the attack on Christians in Sri Lanka during Easter mass. We strongly condemned this inhuman killing. As followers of Christ, we deplore these massacres that destroy peace and we reaffirm our support for peace, harmony, and tolerance. Every religion – the text continues – encourages the building of peace. Let us set an example for the new generations, contributing to a path to peace, harmony, non-violence, and love.»
After the attacks in Sri Lanka, the Churches in Bangladesh are also in a state of maximum alert. The buildings are guarded by the police and groups of Catholic volunteers.

© Fides
Church in Bangladesh Stands with Faithful of Sri Lanka
‘We assure you that we are united with all of you in the sufferings, pains, and difficulties you are facing.’