Photo: Times Malta

Frequent Porn Use Is Linked to Negative Mental Health Among Gen-Z and Millennials

In a new Institute for Family Studies/YouGov survey of 2,000 adults under age 40, we found that pornography has become a daily part of life for many young adults. This survey defines porn as “pornography with explicit sexual content.” About 1-in-10 Gen Z (ages 18-27) and younger Millennials (ages 28 to 39) report watching porn online at least once a day.

Kirill: Russian culture and the salvation of the world

Trying not to limit himself to the usual statements of state propaganda amid the universal conflict between Russia and the West, the Patriarch of Moscow spoke a few days ago in St Petersburg using philosophical and literary arguments to further explain the reasons why Russia today feels called to spread the “great values” that universal society has seemingly abandoned.

Vatican’s dialogue with China and Pope Francis’ realism

In the last six years, also marked by a period of rare contact in relations between the parties during the pandemic, nine new Catholic bishops have been ordained in China. In the same period, eight so-called «non-official» bishops, ordained in the past outside the procedures imposed by the Chinese apparatus, have asked for and obtained public recognition of their function also from the political authorities in Beijing