General Audience February 28 Photo: Vatican Media

Jesuits announce merger of three of their pontifical universities in Rome (at Pope’s request)

The Statutes were created following the Chirograph signed by Pope Francis on Dec. 17, 2019. In this letter the Holy Father ordered that the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Oriental Institute be joined to the Gregorian University, while still retaining their own names and missions. This was done in such a way that they are now part of “the same juridical person, as academic units of the University”.

TikTok ‘last frontier’ in the war between Beijing and Washington

The clash was triggered by the threat to ban the platform voted by the US House of Representatives. In response, the Chinese authorities have promised to defend its interests. American public opinion is also divided over the social network’s popularity. Despite concerns, in the run-up to the vote in both the US and Europe many leaders (including Biden) have opened accounts.