Caritas-Cuba Aiding Hurricane Victims

MADRID, Spain, OCT. 17, 2002 <a href=»»>( Caritas-Cuba has initiated an emergency plan to rescue thousands of people affected by hurricanes Isidore and Lili, sources of the organization reported.

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Over 11 days at the end of September, the hurricanes devastated the south of the island, especially the provinces of Havana, Pinar del Rio, and Isla de la Juventud. Hundreds of thousands of people evacuated the area.

The local Caritas said the hurricanes seriously damaged or destroyed 37,000 homes, ruined harvests, and disrupted basic services such as health and education. Caritas-Cuba is coordinating its relief activity with Cuban authorities and with its own local and international networks.

Aid is centered primarily on food and medicines for evacuees from the Isla de la Juventud and Pinar del Rio. Other assistance includes repairs to homes, the setting up of temporary housing for families, and the rehabilitation of agriculture. Caritas is also helping with parish endeavors.

Caritas-Cuba has appealed to neighboring networks, such as the U.S.-based Catholic Relief Services, especially in Miami, for emergency assistance.

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