Social Doctrine-Based Development Model Proposed

Latin American Group Takes Ideas to the Vatican

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ROME, NOV. 20, 2009 ( A Latin American group of Catholic social doctrine advocates presented this week at the Vatican their model for integral human development.

Honduran Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, president of Caritas Internationalis, calls the proposal «a beautiful gift» to respond to «the enormous needs and urgencies of our peoples, who cannot wait any longer.»

The proposal is based on Catholic social doctrine and elaborated by the Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo, la Integración y la Cooperación [Latin American Center for Development, Integration and Cooperation] (CELADIC).

CELADIC is a non-profit group that draws on the expertise of more than 300 members from every Latin American country — people who work in fields ranging from politics to academia. It is based in Caracas, Venezuela.

The proposal and study that undergirds it was published last March. Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga authored the prologue.

«If we want a more just and solidary Latin America and world, we must break the attempts to privatize our religious and spiritual dimension, which many try to complete in one hour of weekly participation,» CELADIC General-Director Luis Enrique Marius told several prelates and dicastery representatives.

In the presentation given Wednesday at the headquarters of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the director said that now is the moment to consider and encourage an «alternative model of integral human development, beginning with the wealth of Christian humanism and the social teaching of the Church.»

«We cannot do this from sacristies,» he added, «but from our consistent and concrete commitment in the political, economic, social and academic-cultural sectors.»

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