England and Wales: New Missal Translation Ready

Revised Order of Mass to Be Used in September

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LONDON, JAN. 18, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Bishops in England and Wales are preparing for the implementation of the approved English translation of the new Roman Missal, which will be introduced into the parishes in September.

A press release from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales noted today that the text’s introduction into parishes will take place three months before the missal is published in Advent. 

It added that these three months will be devoted to an «in-depth catechesis on the Eucharist and renewed devotion in the manner of its celebration.»

Bishop Arthur Roche of Leeds, chairman of the conference’s Department for Christian Life and Worship, affirmed that this is «a tremendous opportunity for the Church in England and Wales to learn about our faith and the Mass.»

«The new translation is a great gift to the Church,» he said. «The Mass is at the heart of what the Church is, it is where we deepen our faith in Christ and are nourished by him so that we can glorify the Lord by our lives.»

The prelate continued: «In the new translation we find a text that is more faithful to the Latin text and therefore a text which is richer in its theological content and allusions to the Scriptures but also a translation which, I believe, will move people’s hearts and minds in prayer.»

He expressed the hope that the faithful will make use of resources provided by the bishops’ conference in order to prepare for the coming changes.

These include a Web site and a DVD called «Become One Body One Spirit in Christ,» which has been sent to parishes to promote a better understanding of the Mass.

Bishop Roche expressed the hope that this DVD will help «uncover the riches that the Eucharist offers us.»

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On the Net:

Roman Missal Web site: missal.org.uk

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