Those gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the weekly Angelus and Apostolic blessing from the Holy Father on Sunday received a little more than they were expecting: a prescription for Divine Mercy.

“Today I would also like to suggest a medicine to you,” Pope Francis said in his post-Angelus address, joking that some might be asking themselves if the Pope is now a pharmacist.

The Holy Father was referring to little cardboard “medicine” boxes, distributed by volunteers after the Angelus. The boxes of “Misericordin” – a play on the Latin word misericordia, or mercy – contained “59 heart granules” (Rosary beads), a holy card with the image of the Divine Mercy, and a leaflet with instructions on how to administer the “medicine”.

Inspired by the spirituality and writings of Polish nun and mystic St. FaustinaKowalska,the “Misericordin” boxes wereproduced and distributed by the Krakow-based publishing house, Widawnictwo sw Stanislawa.  

As the Year of Faith draws to a close, Pope Francis continued, this “special medicine” will make the fruits of the Holy Year “concrete”.

Inside each packet of Misericordin, he said, “is a rosary with which you can also pray the “Mercy chaplet,” a spiritual help for our soul and to spread love, forgiveness and fraternity everywhere. Do not forget to take it because it is good for you, okay? It is good for your heart, you soul and your whole life!” (A.S.)