Priests for Life Director Comments on Today's Supreme Court Case

‘Bubble Zone’ Laws Are Like Abortion: Based on Idea Some People Have Rights and Others Don’t

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Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, said  the case of McCullen v. Coakley, which is being argued today before the U.S. Supreme Court, illustrates how “abortion perverts justice.”

“So called ‘bubble zone’ laws are the fruit of abortion’s poisonous tree,” stated Fr. Pavone.  “They violate pro-lifers’ First Amendment free speech rights in order to protect the profits of abortionists who violate the right to life of unborn babies.  They are a wrong committed to perpetuate another wrong.”

“It’s plainly discriminatory for the government to say that abortion supporters can speak freely at a given place, but pro-lifers cannot,” added Fr. Pavone.  “Then again, bubble zone laws and abortion are based on the same illicit notion, namely that some people have rights and some people don’t.”

In McCullen v. Coakley, the plaintiffs are challenging a Massachusetts law that bars pro-life sidewalk counselors from coming within 35 feet of an abortion clinic entrance.

Fr. Pavone added, «When a person has a reasonable chance of saving a life, it is not only morally permissible to break the law regarding the bubble-zone, but it is virtuous to do so. If this law is not struck down, I’ll come and violate it myself.»

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