We are to trust God, without doubting him, even if we are scared…
During his Sunday Angelus address, the Pope made this point to the faithful in a hot St. Peter’s Square, as he reflected on the Gospel episode in which Jesus walked on water, on the Lake of Galilee, and Peter, who wished to reach Him, risked drowning.
“At that moment, the certain word of Jesus, which was like a ‘tightrope’ to grip to face the hostile and turbulent water, wasn’t enough for Peter.”
“It’s what could happen to us,” Pope Francis noted, saying: “When we do not cling to the Lord’s word, and, instead consult horoscopes and fortune-tellers to have more security, we begin to go down [to sink].»
If this happens, it means our faith isn’t very strong, the Pope said, warning that horoscopes, ideologies, fashions, slogans are all “insecure” ‘boats,’ offering no certainty.
The Hand that Grips Us, How We Surpass the Storms
«Faith,» however, the Holy Father pointed out, «gives us the security of a Presence, the Presence of Jesus, who pushes us to surpass the existential storms, the certainty of a hand that grips us to help us face the difficulties, pointing out the way also when it’s dark.»
Today’s Gospel, he said, reminds us that faith in the Lord and in His word doesn’t open a way where everything is easy and tranquil and doesn’t take us from life’s storms, but gives us the way to get through them.
While recognizing that faith is not an easy way out of life’s problems, the Holy Father stressed that it «supports us on our journey and gives it meaning.”
Francis invited all pilgrims to turn to that which offers full certainty: faith in Jesus.
“How beautiful it is,» Francis observed, «to say this word to Jesus: ‘Truly you are the Son of God!’ Shall we all say it together? ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’”
As usual, Pope Francis concluded, telling those present to have a good Sunday and good lunch.
On Zenit’s Web page:
Full Text: https://zenit.org/articles/angelus-address-on-the-importance-of-solid-faith/

Trust in God Without Doubting, Insists Pope at Angelus
Reflecting on Jesus Walking on Water, Speaks on How to Hold Onto the Hand Which Saves Us