Pope Francis on May 13, 2018, called for prayers for the victims of suicide bombers who attacked three churches in Indonesia’s second-largest city, Surabaya. As many as 11 are thought dead. His comments came after praying the noonday Regina Coeli with a crowd estimated at 45,000 in St. Peter Square.
«I’m particularly close to the dear people of Indonesia, especially to the Christian communities of the city of Surabaya, harshly stricken by the grave attack against places of worship,» the Holy Father said. «I elevate my prayer for the victims and their kin. We invoke together the God of peace so that He will make these violent actions cease and in the heart of all room be found for sentiments — not of hatred and violence — but of reconciliation and fraternity. We pray in silence.»

Surabaya skyline - Wikimedia Commons
Indonesia: Pope Prays for Victims of Terrorist Attacks
Suicide Bombers Kill 11 in Church Attacks