Confession. Photo: Portaluz

Confession in Rome During the Jubilee: Diocese of Rome Gives Norms to Priests

In regard to Confession, on December 12 the Diocese of Rome published explanatory norms for priests.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 03.02.2025).- On January 16 of this year the Vatican reminded the faithful of the importance of Confession in the context of the Holy Year’s Jubilee. To obtain the grace of the Plenary Indulgence, a pilgrim is invited not only to take a step towards the four Holy Doors of Rome’s Papal Basilicas, but also to go to Confession, to receive Holy Communion and to pray for Pope Francis’ intentions.

In regard to Confession, on December 12 the Diocese of Rome published explanatory norms for priests.

Cardinal Baldassare Reina, Vicar of Rome, wrote that “pilgrims that arrive in Rome during the Jubilee of 2025, must be guaranteed the possibility to access the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that no one is deprived of the possibility of receiving God’s forgiveness and consolation

(. . . ).” “The Church responds to these pastoral needs through the service of priests: those that are incardinated in the Diocese of Rome, those that exercise their pastoral service habitually there, as well as those that will accompany pilgrims,” is mentioned as well.

Details to Administer the Sacrament of Forgiveness to Pilgrims

In the first place, this Sacrament can be administered by diocesan Priests and Religious domiciled or quasi-domiciled in Rome and exercise a habitual ministry there. Diocesan priests that reside in Rome for a period equal to or greater than three months, or with the intention of staying there at least for that period, but who do not exercise habitually ministry in the diocese can also exercise it. “If they enjoy the faculty of receiving habitually Confessions, they can also exercise it in the Diocese of Rome,” specifies the Decree.

Moreover, diocesan Priests and Religious who exercise their ministry occasionally in Rome for a very limited period of time, as well as those that accompany pilgrims or are passing by, can hear Confessions during the Jubilee. Finally, parish priests, their collaborator priests and the Rectors of Rome are obliged to verify the situation of priests who

also exercise occasionally the ministry in the Churches and Oratories entrusted to them. All the priests are obliged to present a valid and recent document in case it is necessary.

Translation of the original in French of ZENIT’s edition in that language.

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