(ZENIT News / Washington, 03.23.2025).- The just-released 2025 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation from American Life League’s STOPP International shines a spotlight on the actual earnings of the abortion giant in relation to its claims that it is facing increasing financial struggles. The self-proclaimed monetarily stressed abortion provider paid its top officer nearly $1 million dollars and its Los Angeles CEO almost as much with an annual compensation of nearly $876,000.
Viewed under the microscope of the only organization solely dedicated to serving as a Planned Parenthood watchdog, the financial woes claimed by the abortion conglomerate seem hollow. This is especially true in light of the salaries bestowed by the abortion vendor on the chief executive officers of their 49 affiliates in the United States.
“There is a vicious cycle going on right under our noses,” explained American Life League national director Katie Brown Xavios. “Hundreds of millions of our tax dollars are forked over to the oligarchs at Planned Parenthood, and in turn, they kill nearly half a million preborn Americans each year. And the reward? A government-funded nonprofit CEO making nearly $1 million a year. That should enrage Americans. At this time in America, when it is clear that there has been an extremely inappropriate misuse of funds by our government and by other nongovernmental organizations, Planned Parenthood reeks of guilt.”
The report details the salaries of all 49 of the abortion vendor’s affiliate CEOs, along with those of the top-paid employees at the organization’s headquarters—Planned Parenthood Federation of America. STOPP International’s extensive research into Planned Parenthood and its affiliates shows that this abortion empire, classified by the Internal Revenue Service as nonprofit, is paying its executives salaries that are far above industry averages.
The 2025 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation from American Life League’s STOPP International highlights the following facts:
- Designated by the federal government as 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and each of its 49 affiliates pay no taxes, despite drawing in millions of dollars of income in excess of expenses each year.
- Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report cited $699.3 million in federal funding, a massive 34 percent of the organization’s total annual revenue.
- Alexis McGill Johnson earned $904,014 in 2023 for her role as Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s president. That income is a 32 percent increase from her 2021 salary of $683,697.
- The average annual salary of a Planned Parenthood CEO is more than triple that of other nonprofit executives. In the United States, the average salary for a nonprofit CEO is roughly $117,000 a year, while Planned Parenthood CEOs earn an average of $352,661, placing these abortion executives in the 98th percentile of US wage earners.
- Planned Parenthood received almost $2,000 in federal dollars for each abortion it reported for the 2022-2023 year.
Katherine Van Dyke, American Life League’s lead researcher for the report, also spoke to the disingenuousness of the abortion vendor’s claims of money troubles. “Planned Parenthood’s exorbitant CEO and affiliate earnings continue to grow each year, while they simultaneously say they are experiencing financial decline,” Van Dyke observed. “The data collected in our CEO report is vital, as it shows that taxpayer money is truly the fuel for Planned Parenthood’s earnings and that the financial facts from their own reports do not align with the organization’s claims of financial woes.”
“Now is the time for our country’s leaders to truly assess these numbers and give Planned Parenthood the boot when it comes to receiving government reimbursements or benefitting from any form of appropriations. In other words, it is time to defund this very wealthy and profitable abortion megacorporation.”
Read the 2025 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation from American Life League’s STOPP International, released March 19, 2025, here (https://all.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Final-Version-STOPP_CEOcompensation2025.pdf).
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