
Articles By Rafael Llanes

War in Ukraine? Leader of the Eastern Greek-Catholic Church, the Most Numerous in Communion with the Pope, Responds

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk asks if “as a shepherd of this suffering people: is it possible to sacrifice millions of Ukrainians suffering atrocities at the hands of the Russian occupiers for a so-called peace? Can I sacrifice my communities and be calm, while our Church is banned in the occupied territories? “Can I sacrifice our priests kidnapped by the Russians, about whom we have not heard anything for a year?”

Vatican Hospital Takes In Children of Gaza Wounded by the War

This humanitarian project in favour of the children of Gaza was an initiative of the Vicariate of the Custody of the Holy Land and the Governments of Italy and Egypt, in agreement with the Israeli Authorities. The intention is to take immediately some one hundred seriously wounded children to Italy and the Vatican to palliate the harm they have suffered from the bombings and battles in Gaza, medical care that is practically impossible in the Palestinian Strip.