Pope Stresses Church's Mission to Bring Hope

Recalls Visit to Christ’s Empty Tomb

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VATICAN CITY, APRIL 16, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is underlining the Church’s mission to bring a message of hope to the world, inspired by Christ’s resurrection.

The Pope stated this today in an audience with the members of the Philadelphia-based Papal Foundation who are in Rome for their annual pilgrimage.

«A year ago I had the grace of visiting the Holy Land and praying before the Lord’s empty tomb,» the Pontiff recalled.

He continued, «There, echoing the witness of the Apostle Peter, I proclaimed that Christ, by rising to new life, has taught us ‘that evil never has the last word, that love is stronger than death, and that our future, and the future of all humanity, lies in the hands of a faithful and provident God.'»

«In every time and place,» the Pontiff affirmed, «the Church is called to proclaim this message of hope and to confirm its truth by her practical witness of holiness and charity.»

He noted that «the Papal Foundation has advanced this mission in a particular way by supporting a broad spectrum of charities close to the heart of the Successor of Peter.»

The Holy Father thanked the foundation members for their «generous efforts to offer assistance to our brothers and sisters in developing countries, to provide for the education of the Church’s future leaders, and to advance the missionary endeavors of so many dioceses and religious congregations throughout the world.»

He asked them to «pray for the needs of the universal Church and to implore a renewed outpouring of the Spirit’s gifts of holiness, unity and missionary zeal upon the whole People of God.» 

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