MELBOURNE, Australia, JUNE 8, 2012 ( The personal ordinariate for Australian Anglicans seeking full communion with Rome will get its first ordinary on June 15, the Archdiocese of Melbourne reported.
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, as it is to be named, will be under the patronage of St. Augustine of Canterbury who was sent by Pope Gregory the Great in 596 AD to evangelize the English.
“I would encourage all the Catholics in Melbourne to take an interest in this new venture,» said Auxiliary Bishop Peter Elliott of Melbourne, project delegate for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. «It is an historical moment, of course it is small but from small things big things grow and I think this will have a remarkable future.”
The Australian ordinariate is the third to be established. The first, the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, under the patronage of St. John Henry Newman, was established in the United Kingdom in January of 2011. The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter was established in the United States in January of this year.
Benedict XVI’s 2009 apostolic constitution «Anglicanorum Coetibus» offered a way for groups of Anglicans to enter the Catholic Church through the establishment of these personal ordinariates, a new type of canonical structure.