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Care Center Near Colonnade

Articles from November 15, 2019

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Pope Francis Opens Care Center Near Colonnade of St. Peter’s

Managed by Community of Sant’Egidio.

Holy Father Greets People of Thailand with Video Message

Ahead of Apostolic Trip to Thailand, from November 20-23

Pope’s Video Message to ‘Fratello Gathering 2019’

On Occasion of Third World Day of the Poor

Holy Father Names Bishop of Aliwal, South Africa

The Reverend Joseph Kizito

Assent of Holy Father to Election of Bishop of Major Archiepiscopal Curia of Kyiv-Halyč

The Reverend Stepan Sus

New York Bishops Meet with Pope Francis

‘Ad Limina Apostolorum’ Visit

FAO: Monsignor Arellano Suggests to Political Leaders that They ‘Evaluate the Moral Impact of the Actions They Promote’

Robot Portrait of ‘Ethical’ Leadership

US Bishops, Knights of Columbus Offer Solidarity with Mideast People

Letter in Response to Unrest in Lebanon and Iraq

Pope Welcomes Grand Imam of Al-Azhar of Egypt

Discussion of Human Brotherhood for World Peace and Common Living

Archbishop Follo: The Gospel does not anticipate the last things, it reveals the ultimate meaning of things

With the invitation to live the waiting of Christ as mendicancy of his mercy.

Catholics in Thailand and Japan – by the Numbers

Statistics Ahead of Holy Father’s November 19-26, 2019, Apostolic Journey

Holy Father Sends Message to People of San Cristóbal de La Habana, Cuba

Fifth Centenary of Founding of City

Death of Bishop Corbellini, Manager of the Vatican’s Employees

A Key Figure in the Heart of the Administration

Statement by Center for Interreligious & Intercultural Dialogue of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization and Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

‘Christians and Muslims: Serving Humanity Together’

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