Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez in Casa Santa Marta - photo by ZENIT's Deborah Castellano Lubov

TRIBUTE: Pope & World Praise ‘Warm’ ‘Affectionate’ ‘Faithful Witness’ & ‘Generous Service’ of Malaysian Cardinal Soter Fernandez Who Just Passed Away

ZENIT Brings You Their Long Conversation With Malaysian Cardinal Emeritus From Inside Pope’s Residence Casa Santa Marta

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Pope Francis has praised the ‘faithful witness’ & ‘generous service’ of Malaysian Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, who passed away this week.

He did so in a telegram of condolence for the death, on Oct. 28 of Malaysia’s first cardinal to the current Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Julian Leow Beng Kim, expressing his sadness to him, the clergy, religious and laity of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, who are grieving the late cardinal.

ZENIT English’s Senior Vatican Correspondent sat down with Cardinal Soter in Casa Santa Marta when he was named cardinal in 2016. Her conversation with the warm and kind church leader left an impression, whose being a good shepherd was immediately apparent. The humble prelate even insisted after the interview to go for an espresso on Via della Conciliazione with Lubov and his assistant, among the tourists and pilgrims. She also remembers the sweet, gentle cardinal sweetly taking her hand during the consistory when she was greeting the new cardinals. During subsequent trips to Rome, he always gave greetings and also remembered the correspondent’s wedding, even bringing something from Malaysia for her and her husband with a card. During the most recent visit, the Malaysian Cardinal told her «this may be my last visit to Rome,» but encouraged her to visit Malaysia.

The exclusive interview with Cardinal Soter at the time, can be read at the end of this article.

In the Pope’s telegram, Francis expressed his «gratitude» for Cardinal Fernandez’s «faithful witness to the Gospel,» «his generous service to the Church in Malaysia» and «his longstanding commitment to the promotion of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.» The Pope said he willingly joins all grieving Cardinal Soter in praying for his eternal rest.

«To all who mourn the late Cardinal’s passing in the sure hope of the Resurrection,» Pope Francis concluded saying: «I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of consolation and peace in Jesus Christ our Saviour.»

‘Warm,’ ‘Beloved,’ Illustrious Son of Asia 

The President of Asia’s bishops’ conference, Cardinal Bo, also mourned the «warm» and «beloved» Church leader.

«Just now,» Cardinal Bo said, «we received the sad message about the heavenly pilgrimage of our most beloved  Cardinal  Anthony Soter Fernandez, the first  Malaysian prelate to be honored with Cardinal hat.»

«In his death,» the President of Asia’s Bishops said, «the church has lost an illustrious son of Asia.»

Warm, Affectionate Church Leader

Noting «we grieve today with the Catholics of Malaysia, as they bid farewell their warm and affectionate  church leader,»  His Eminence followed the great example of  the Good Shepherd by knowing his flock intimately,  infusing pastoral concern into his long mission.»

Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was born April 22, 1932 in Sungai Patani, in the diocese of Penang, to a family of Indian origin.
He was ordained a priest on December 10th, 1966. On September 29th, 1977 he was appointed as bishop of Penang and received episcopal consecration on February 17th, 1978. On July 2nd, 1993, he was appointed as metropolitan archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, which he led until April 15th, 2003. Since then, he resided in the major seminary of Penang, where he devoted himself to the formation of priests as spiritual director.
He served as president of the Episcopal Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei for two terms: from 1987 to 1990 and again from 2000 to 2003. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the Nov. 19, 2016, consistory, with the titular church of Sant’Alberto Magno, he was Malaysia’s first Cardinal.
Below are ZENIT’s interview with the Cardinal and the full texts of the telegram and statement of condolences of Pope Francis and Cardinal Bo, respectively:
We publish below the telegram of condolence for the death, which occurred yesterday, of the Most Eminent Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), of the Title of St. Albert the Great, sent by the Holy Father Francis to the Archbishop. of Kuala Lumpur, HE Mons. Julian Leow Beng Kim:

Telegram from the Holy Father

The Most Reverend Julian Leow Beng Kim
Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur

Having learned with sadness of the death of Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, I extend my heartfelt condolences to you and to the clergy, religious and laity of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur. With gratitude for Cardinal Fernandez’s faithful witness to the Gospel, his generous service to the Church in Malaysia and his longstanding commitment to the promotion of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, I willingly join you in praying for his eternal rest. To all who mourn the late Cardinal’s passing in the sure hope of the Resurrection I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of consolation and peace in Jesus Christ our Saviour.


[01301-EN.01] [Original text: English]

INTERVIEW: Cardinal Nicknamed ‘No. 33’: ‘Trust in God Never Will Let You Down’

In ZENIT Exclusive, Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez Speaks on How Francis Encourages Him, How ‘Everything Is the Spirit’s Work’

NOVEMBER 23, 2016 16:59

‘Everything is the Holy Spirit’s work’ … 

‘The peace of mind of trust in God can never let you down.’ …

‘Trust in Him, like your own father. If there is some challenge, be assured that He sees something good in it…’
These words of wisdom were given to ZENIT in an exclusive interview with Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez with whose nomination,  history was made: Malaysia had been given its first cardinal.

The Pope announced the prelate would be receiving his red hat, along with 16 others, during his Oct. 9 Angelus Address. Cardinal Fernandez is one of the four new cardinals over 80 who are being honored for their long service to the Church.

On Tuesday, the Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur shared with us what he has learned over the years.
He spent a few hours speaking with ZENIT in the Pope’s residence, Casa Santa Marta, last week, and was so kind to ask if the correspondent had already eaten breakfast. Though she had, an offer of an espresso afterward on Via della Conciliazione was happily accepted. At the beginning of our encounter, the cardinal wanted to specifically discuss passages from Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium that have really ‘moved’ him

‘The bishops nicknamed me ’33,’ the Asian prelate shared, because he impresses upon everyone this passage which reads:

“Pastoral ministry in a missionary key seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says: ‘We have always done it this way.’ I invite everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelization in their respective communities. A proposal of goals without an adequate communal search for the means of achieving them will inevitably prove illusory. I encourage everyone to apply the guidelines found in this document generously and courageously, without inhibitions or fear. The important thing is to not walk alone, but to rely on each other as brothers and sisters, and especially under the leadership of the bishops, in a wise and realistic pastoral discernment.”

After the consistory, the Cardinal informally spoke again with ZENIT and shared how the Holy Father encouraged him in his promoting ‘Number 33’ and in serving the poor.

Ordained a priest on Dec. 10, 1966, the Malaysian cardinal celebrates the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination next month.

On Feb. 17, 1978, he was ordained Bishop for the Diocese of Panang, and on Nov. 10, 1983, was installed Archbishop of Kuala Lumpar. He led the archdiocese for 20 years before stepping down at age 71 for health reasons. Even after ‘retiring,’ he still served his archdiocese. He later was assigned as a spiritual father to College General, Major Seminary in Panang.

Cardinal Soter Fernandez still serves as the president of the bishops conference of Malaysia, and as chaplain at the Saint Xavier Home for the Elderly in Cheras. While technically he retired from serving his archdiocese in 2003, his assistant Fr. Perreiro traveling with him in Rome argues that the new cardinal’s definition of ‘retired’ is relative.

When ZENIT asked what was his reaction to the nomination, he smiled, responding: ‘It wasn’t something I wished for or desired, but trust always the will of God. Also, having been sick, I realize He gives me strength to do all.”

In the interview, Cardinal Soter also reminisced about his first encounter with Pope Francis, which took place after the General Audience. “He told me in English, ‘Please pray for me,’ and I assured him I would.” He noted this is something very important.

Asked what most strikes him about Francis, the Cardinal discussed his simplicity, his commitment to dialogue, and how he channels mercy.

The Cardinal also told us that in 1978, when appointed Bishop of Panang, he chose an episcopal coat of arms with ‘Justice and Peace’ as his motto. He noted that today even more so than before, justice and peace have such an important role to play, especially in the social and political spheres of his multi-cultural and multi-religious nation.

He also pointed out how he appreciates Pope Francis’ realness. “He didn’t want to wear those [red] shoes,” and “he is his own person.”

Your Brother…. God Walked With a Saint

The Malaysian prelate also spoke about his affection for St. John Paul II. He noted how after being ordained bishop, he was able to meet him for the first time at the ad limina visit, which takes place every five years. “The first thing I thought. Thank God this Pope speaks English because I didn’t study Latin,” he said smiling.

“So many times I came and I saw him,” he noted, recalling in particular their exchange after he had been appointed archbishop: “I told Pope John Paul II: ‘Holy Father, I want to thank you for the confidence you have in me, appointing me as the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpar’ and he embraced me and said ‘I am your brother.’”

He recounted: In 2001, I was archbishop and president of the bishops’ conference, and I remember in particular this encounter with him… It was at a point in which he was giving us rosaries. I said to him “In addition to a rosary for me, could I have a rosary for my mother?’… Then he jokingly, loudly announces, very sweetly: ‘He wants a rosary for his mama…give him one.’”

Reflecting on his moments with John Paul II, Cardinal Soter Fernandez said: “God walked with a saint.”

He also told us what St. Pope John Paul II had written him in a personal letter for the 25th anniversary of his episcopal ordination in 2003: “Your ardent commitment to duty not only benefitted the flock entrusted to you, but was manifestly clear to all in Asia.”

“Your role with the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei, shines forth as well in your strenuous efforts to give direction and purpose to the Church in West Malaysia,” the Polish Pontiff highlighted.

We invite

On what his retired life looks like as cardinal, he confirmed he still stays active, still helping his people, still committed to dialogue.

Speaking on initiatives in his country aimed at fostering interreligious dialogue, he noted how there is a tradition of having Christians come together to have a Christmas party, and for this year’s gathering, Muslims and people of other faiths will be invited.

He also applauded the Pope’s, at times, surprising choices of new cardinals from the peripheries, “as a sign that the Pontiff is committed to helping the universal Church.”

The challenges

The Cardinal also spoke on some pastoral challenges faced by his multicultural, multi-religious nation.
“Mixed marriages,” he told us are “a classic example of this, a lovely Catholic girl, she insists he must be Catholic and says he’ll convert to Catholicism. Then the day they get married, he says: ‘That’s it. You are my wife. No Catholic business. Thank God she didn’t consummate the marriage. It took years for the annulment to come. So many things are happening like that unfortunately.”

When asked how he describes the situation of Catholics, he noted, “still the basic ecclesial communities come together, actually all the races come together. Territorial parishes come together. Where the Lord is placed, all come together.”

“In our country, there is diversity…the races are many, there are many Muslims.” When responding to whether the fact that Malaysia is a largely Muslim country affects the Catholics, he noted there are efforts for dialogue and everyone co-exists.

Asian Pontiff

Asked if Pope Francis’ choice of Cardinals has opened the door for an Asian Pontiff, he said: “You never know.”
“Latin America has come…This is a complete change. It takes courage. He doesn’t want to take the cars, but would prefer to get on a bus and go…,” he said, noting things change and we don’t know what could happen next.

When asked if he had advice for young priests, Cardinal Soter Fernandez urged them to talk to God less, and “start listening to Him…”


Below is also the statement of the President of the Asian Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, remembering Cardinal Soter Fernandez, which Cardinal Bo has provided to ZENIT English:



Dear Friends,

Peace of Christ.

Just now we received the sad message  about the heavenly pilgrimage of our most beloved  Cardinal  Anthony Soter Fernandez, the first  Malaysian prelate to be honored with Cardinal hat.   In his death, the church has lost an illustrious son of Asia.

We grieve  today with the Catholics of Malaysia, as they bid farewell their warm and affectionate  church leader.   His Eminence followed the great example of  the Good Shepherd by knowing his flock intimately,  infusing pastoral concern into his long mission.

He  was ordained as a priest on 10 December 1966. He was made Bishop and served the Diocese of Penang,  from  February 1978, until his transfer to Kuala Lumpur.   He also  served as president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei from 1987–1990 and 2000–2003.  He was created a cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory on 19 November 2016, and is the first Malaysian to be made a cardinal.

FABC notes with gratitude his significant contribution to the Church in Malaysia and Asia. His memory is one of a considerate and compassionate pastor, investing his energy in the deepening of the faith of the people, building systems and processes that promoted a church affirming the Vatican II concept of people of God.

He is mourned today by thousands.   This is also moment of gratitude to God for the great gift of such a holy prelate, who walked among as the Gospel in Action.

Praying  for his eternal rest,

Your Brother in Faith,


Cardinal Charles Maung Bo., SDB

President, Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC)

28  October 2020


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Deborah Castellano Lubov

Deborah Castellano Lubov is Senior Vatican & Rome Correspondent for ZENIT; author of 'The Other Francis' ('L'Altro Francesco') featuring interviews with those closest to the Pope and preface by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin (currently published in 5 languages); Deborah is also NBC & MSNBC Vatican Analyst. She often covers the Pope's travels abroad, often from the Papal Flight (including for historic trips such as to Abu Dhabi and Japan & Thailand), and has also asked him questions on the return-flight press conference on behalf of the English-speaking press present. Lubov has done much TV & radio commentary, including for NBC, Sky, EWTN, BBC, Vatican Radio, AP, Reuters and more. She also has contributed to various books on the Pope and has written for various Catholic publications. For 'The Other Francis': or

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