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Vatican and China to renew agreement on bishop appointments in October

The agreement has not succeeded in halting the persecution of unofficial Catholics in China. The Holy See continues to work towards improving the situation and ensuring religious freedom in the country.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 06.22.2024).- Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, announced on June 20 that the renewal of the agreement between China and the Holy See regarding the appointment of bishops is progressing positively, with the expectation of a new signing in October this year. This agreement, first signed in 2018 after nearly seven decades without formal diplomatic relations, is renewed every two years and is due to be ratified again in the second half of 2024.

During the presentation of the book ‘Cardinal Celso Costantini and China. Builder of a Bridge between East and West,’ edited by Monsignor Bruno Fabio Pighin, Cardinal Parolin highlighted the historical role of Cardinal Costantini, the first apostolic delegate in China. His work laid the foundations for the current dialogue between the two states, with the tangible outcome being the agreement on the appointment of bishops.

In his speech, Cardinal Parolin reaffirmed that conversations with China continue with the aim of finding the best procedures to implement the existing agreement. Despite the challenges, he emphasized the importance of this ongoing dialogue to strengthen relations between the Holy See and China.

Cardinal Parolin also underscored Pope Francis’ appreciation for the Chinese people and culture. «The Pope has great respect and always expresses his admiration for China,» Parolin commented. Regarding the possibility of a papal visit to China, Parolin noted that Pope Francis is willing and desires to make that trip, although the necessary conditions are not currently in place.

Cardinal Parolin highlighted the impact of the 2018 agreement, which has allowed all bishops in China to be in full communion with the Church of Peter. This agreement, although provisional, has been renewed twice and has proven to be a starting point for greater cooperation and understanding. Parolin acknowledged that the agreement has not always been respected by Chinese authorities. He cited the case of the Bishop of Shanghai, Joseph Shen Bin, who was appointed without prior consent from the Vatican, although later recognized by Pope Francis to avoid conflict. He also mentioned the violation of the agreement with the appointment of John Peng Weizhao as auxiliary bishop of Jiangxi in 2022, without Vatican approval.

Moreover, the agreement has not succeeded in halting the persecution of unofficial Catholics in China. The Holy See continues to work towards improving the situation and ensuring religious freedom in the country.

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