Homosexuality Is Not Genetic, British Data Confirms

The latest report on the British population reveals that, in five years, young people who identify as LGBT have risen from 4.4% to 10.4%. Bisexuals especially grow. Strong intergenerational differences. In short, homosexuality is the result of conditioning.

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(ZENIT News – La Bussola Quotidiana / Rome, 04.02.2025).- The United Kingdom’s Office of National Statistics published its Annual Report on population. We look at the section that covers sexual orientation. “In 2023, 3.8% of the household population of the UK 16 years of age or older identified itself as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) as opposed to 2.2% in 2018. Young people were more prone to identify themselves as LGB than older people. About one in ten (10.4%) from 16 to 24 years old identified themselves as LGB, compared with around one in 100 (0.9%) among those older than 65. In 2018 LGB young people from 16 to 24 constituted 4.4%. Hence, over five years there was an increase of six percentage points out of the total population.

What does this data tell us? That homosexuality isn’t genetic, it’s not a natural variable of sexual orientation but the result of conditioning. If it were a genetic/natural fact, we’d have the same proportion of homosexuals over the course of time. Instead, we see that in only five years the number of homosexual young people has increased by six percentage points. The same happens with the marked difference in the proportion of LGB between young and older people. If homosexuality was a natural condition because it is innate, we should find the same percentages of homosexuals in all age groups. But it’s not so. And the statistics of other countries also confirm this: the largest percentage of homosexuals is found in the group of young people.

Now we respond to the second usual objection: young people are more prone to declare their homosexuality than older people, because the latter grew up in a social environment that stigmatized homosexuality and, hence, are more omissive about it. The objection is easily surmounted by remembering that the demographic survey is anonymous. Hence, those surveyed, including the “older” ones and the elderly were able to respond in total freedom, with no sort of conditioning.

We return to the division between young and older people. Why are there more LGB young people than older people? Because homosexuality has recently become a social phenomenon. And who is more influenced by fashions? Who are greater transgressors? Young people, that is why the proportion of homosexuals is preponderant among young people. By the way, the increase from 2018 to 2023 in the number of LGB people refers primarily to those that declare themselves both hetero- as well as homosexual, namely, bisexual. Proof that for many homosexuality is a desire to experience something new, without leaving behind the old condition. It’s yet another proof that homosexuality is a social construction, not a natural inclination. As a side note: even if homosexuality was innate, this doesn’t mean it’s natural, as not everything that is innate is natural.

Here is another interesting fact: “The majority of people that identified as LGB in 2023 had never married or had a civil union (77.2%), as compared with the 36.8% of people that identified themselves as heterosexuals.” So, the majority of homosexual people aren’t married, as opposed to heterosexuals. On one hand, this can be explained by the fact that the greater part of homosexuals is in the group of young people, a group that is not prone to marriage not even in the group of heterosexuals; on the other hand, it can also be explained by the allergy of LGB people to stable unions (Cf. D. McWirther – A. Mattison, “The Male Couple”, Reward Books, 1984; M. Xiridou, “The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships To The Incidence of HIV Infection Among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam, “Aids”, 17 (2003), pp. 1029-1038; A.P. Bell – M.S. Weinberg, “Homo-Sexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women”, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1978; E. Goode – R. Troiden, “Correlates and Accompaniments of Promiscuous Sex Among Male Homosexuals”, in “Psychiatry”, 43 (1980), pp. 51-59). That’s why, in States where civil unions or homosexual «nuptials» have been legalized, few homosexuals have subsequently entered into civil unions or «marriages.»

This data confirms that the ideology describes a “reality” to us that the reality then denies.

Translation of the Italian original into Spanish by ZENIT’s Editorial Director and, into English, by Virginia M. Forrester.

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