(ZENIT News / Rome, 02.05.2025).- On May 31, 2019, the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life approved the Statutes of Regnum Christi and canonically established the Regnum Christi Federation. This canonical recognition and the initial approval of the Statutes were the fruit of a process of renewal initiated in 2010 which sought to clearly express the unity of the charism shared by the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women, the Lay Consecrated Men and the lay members.
The Holy See granted the Statutes an initial approval ad experimentum, validating them and granting a period of five years to allow for the practical experience of what was established. This time has been key in implementing the structures of the Federation and maturing in the experience of the shared charism and mission while growing in unity and collaboration.
In this context, the General Convention of Regnum Christi, held in 2024, took up the resolution to request the definitive approval of the Statutes by the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The resolution had the unanimous favorable opinion of the lay members and the qualified majority of the consecrated delegates.
The General Directive College communicated through a letter to the members that the Holy See has definitively approved the Statutes of the Regnum Christi Federation. This official recognition reaffirms the validity of the path traveled and strengthens the commitment to live our charism with confidence and courage, in communion with the Church and at the service of the mission.
The General Directive College expressed its gratitude and stressed the importance of the Statutes as “light and criterion for discernment” regarding the identity and action of all those who are part of Regnum Christi. They also underlined the call to continue growing in the knowledge, understanding, and affective and effective integration with the Statutes, since “we find the principal traits of our charism, spirituality, and apostolic mission formulated in them. ”
In the context of the Jubilee of Hope that the Church celebrates in 2025, this step invites us to move forward with confidence, knowing that, united in him, we are still called to be witnesses and apostles of Christ in the world.
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