(ZENIT News / Rome, 08.02.2025).- A Polish couple, devoted to the Virgin Mary, is building a large statute of the Mother of God in their native city. It will be 40.6 meters high standing on a pedestal in the shape of a 15-meter crown, measuring a total of 55.6 meters. The sculpture will stand in the vicinity of the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows in Konotop, visited by numerous Polish pilgrims.
Polish businessman Roman Karkosik, possessor of a great fortune, and his wife Grazyna offer their devotion with the image of the Virgin Mary in the city of Kikól, in the county of Lipno. It is a votive offering of the couple in the small locality of 1,500 inhabitants, located northeast of Warsaw.
When Poland was invaded by the Germans during World War II, the city was attacked on September 2, 1939 and captured on September 8. In October of the same year, the Germans arrested en masse Polish professors and landholders of Lipno and surrounding villages. Twenty priests were also arrested and imprisoned in the Stutthof concentration camp, where 13 of them died.
The construction of the statue has already begun and is expected to end in mid 2026. “The work of demolition of buildings is already underway, in the section where the monument will be built,” said Kikol’s Mayor Renata Golebiewska, who pointed out that the place will be a center of prayer and of important cultural and religious events.