Pope Francis reflected on Christ’s response regarding the resurrection of the dead during his weekly Angelus address on Sunday at St. Peter’s Square. Tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world gathered to listen to the Holy Father.
Regarding the Sunday Gospel, in which the Sadducees proposed a hypothetical situation to ridicule the belief in the resurrection of the dead, the Holy Father stated that Christ not only responds but also “launches a counterattack” using the Scripture “with simplicity and an originality that fills us with admiration for our Master, the only Master.”
“Jesus finds the proof of the resurrection in the episode about Moses and the burning bush, where God reveals himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” the Holy Father said. “The name of God is connected to the men and women to which he binds himself, and this link is stronger than death. And we can also say of God’s relationship with us, with each one of us: He is our God! He is the God of each one of us! It is as if he bore our name. It pleases him to say it, and this is the covenant.”
The Holy Father went on to say that God, who is the God of the living and not of the dead, forms a covenant with man through Christ, who overcame death through his death and resurrection. Through Him, God gives us eternal life, a life that “is not merely an embellishment of this present life: it transcends our imagination, because God continually awakens wonder in us with his love and with his mercy.”
“So, what will happen is precisely the contrary of what the Sadducees expected. It is not this life that illuminates eternity, the other life, the one that awaits us, but eternity – that life – that illuminates and gives hope to the earthly life of each one of us! If we look at things only with human eyes, we are brought to say that man’s journey runs from life to death. This is obvious!,” the Pope exclaimed.
Prior to reciting that Angelus prayer, the Pope told the faithful that Jesus gives a different perspective than that of the Sadducees; that our pilgrimage runs from death to life, a pilgrimage towards the fullness of life. The Sacraments, prayer and fraternity with others, he continued, are a preview of the risen life.
“Our experience of his love and his fidelity lights a fire in our heart and increases our faith in the resurrection. In fact, if God is faithful and loves, it cannot be for a limited time: fidelity is eternal, it cannot change. God’s love is eternal, it cannot change! It is not for a limited time: it is forever! And to go forward! He is faithful forever and he awaits us, each of us, he accompanies each of us with this eternal fidelity,” the Pope said.
Moment of Silence for the Philippines
After the recitation of the Angelus, the Holy Father greeted the pilgrims from various countries present in the square. Leading the faithful in prayer, Pope Francis called for a moment of silence for the victims of the super typhoon that recently struck the Philippines while assuring them of his closeness. “Unfortunately, there are many victims and enormous damage. Let us pray for a moment in silence and then to Our Lady for these brothers and sisters of ours and let us try also to help them concretely.”
After the moment of silence, the faithful joined Pope Francis in praying the Hail Mary for the victims of the super typhoon.