As a result of the drought that is affecting not only Rome but a great part of Italy, the Vatican authorities decided to close all the fountains scattered on the territory of the small State, including those of Saint Peter’s, announced Vatican Radio yesterday, Tuesday, July 25, 2017.
In its decision not to waste water, the Governorate of Vatican City State was inspired by Pope Francis’ teaching, in particular, by his encyclical “Laudato Si’,” revealed Vatican Radio.
In the papal document, dated May 24, 2015, The Pontiff laments, among other things, the “unheard of” waste of water (no. 27), which is described as “of primary importance,” because it is “indispensable for human life and to sustain the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: (no. 28).
“This world has a grave social debt to the poor who do not have access to potable water,” continues Francis in the encyclical, in which he reminds: “the problem of water is in part an educational and cultural question, because there is no awareness of the gravity of such behavior in a context of great inequity” (n. 30).
While summer fires scourge the South of Italy in particular, the drought concerns a great part of the Bel Paese (“Beautiful Country”) whose great rivers and lakes are dry. Of concern in the Lazio Region in particular is the level of Lake Bracciano, whose waters have been used since Ancient Times for potable consumption.

Piazza San Pietro, Fontana / Wikimedia Commons - Gianfranco, CC BY-SA 3.0
Vatican Closes Fountains
The Decision to Save Water Was Taken in the Light of “Laudato Si’”