Melinda Gates Photo: GeekFire

Melinda Gates Donates One Billion Dollars To The Abortion Lobby

In her article entitled “The Enemies of Progress Are Playing on the Offensive. I Want to Help to Balance the Game,” Melinda Gates expresses her concern over those opposed to abortion, describing them as “enemies of progress.”

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(ZENIT News / New York, 31.05.2024).- Melinda Gates announced that she will give one billion dollars over the next two years to different organization dedicated to the protection of women’s rights, and to promote their power and influence. In an article in The New York Times, Gates said the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) is among the funds’ beneficiaries.

The CRR is one of the most influencing organizations in the global abortion realm. Its lawyers represented the Jackson Women’s Health Clinic before the U.S. Supreme Court in the Jackson Women’s Health Clinic v. Dobbs, which led the Court to reverse the historic 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, returning the regulation of abortion to the individual States.

Founded in 1992 by former Attorney Nancy Northup, the CRR uses the law to promote reproductive rights as fundamental human rights at the global level. In 2003, inside documents of the CRR’s strategy were leaked by Republican congressman Christopher H. Smith, who revealed the plans of the abortion lobby to his Congress colleagues. The CRR’s “small victories” strategy  seeks to create a gradual consensus for reproductive health and strengthen international norms, so that States are obliged to guarantee reproductive rights. Moreover, the CRR works to identify allies that promote these norms both at the national as well as the international level.

The leaked documents also discussed the World Population Conferences in Cairo (1994) and Beijing (1995), lamenting that abortion was rejected in these Conferences as a means of family planning. However, the CRR argues that access to safe abortion must be guaranteed to women under the right to life and health, considering that the prohibition of abortion is a form of gender discrimination. The effectiveness of this strategy is evident in the advances achieved over the last two decades.

In her article entitled “The Enemies of Progress Are Playing on the Offensive. I Want to Help to Balance the Game,” Melinda Gates expresses her concern over those opposed to abortion, describing them as “enemies of progress.” The millionairess stresses that the overturning  of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court motivated her to revise her involvement in the defense of reproductive rights and redouble her efforts to balance the field of play.

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Tim Daniels

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