(ZENIT News / Rome, 02.02.2025).- In early 2025, the English translation of a new book, Pilgrims of Hope in the Holy Land, was published by IF Press for the Jubilee, with the collaboration of a handful of legionaries, a consecrated woman and other experts in the Holy Land, including a preface from the Apostolic Nuncio in Israel, Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine and Forward by the Custos of the Holy Land.
As the Papal Nuncio writes, “This volume can be a valuable help for those who will visit this land: they will find useful information, rich catechesis, and precious meditation points. But I also hope it will accompany with benefit those who can only make a spiritual pilgrimage, helping them to better understand the grace of the holy places. […] If we are pilgrims towards Him, He also becomes a pilgrim to-wards us and comes to meet us. This is the ‘blessed hope’ that ‘does not disappoint,’ as Pope Francis reminds us, and which should animate every Christian. I wish all the readers of this volume to find spiritual nourishment in these pages, support on their journey of faith, and the invitation to remain firm in hope: the blessed hope of one day reaching the ultimate goal of our earthly pilgrimage, that is, the joyful encounter with the face of the Risen Lord.”
In the introductory words of the editor of the publication, Fr Gonzalo Monzón, LC writes: “This book aims to participate in the celebration of the 2025 Jubilee by offering a reflection on hope in such a meaningful context as the Holy Land. On one hand, the study and deepening of the meaning and implications of hope for one’s life pro-vide an effective way to live this special time of grace. On the other hand, the Holy Land reminds humanity of its condition as a pilgrim towards the Kingdom of Heaven, a condition that requires intense faith, living hope, and active charity. This volume seeks to promote the restoration of a climate of hope and trust in a period of history marked by uncertainty and confusion. It aims not only to become a source of inspiration for each person but also to serve as a resource for study groups, parishes, and pilgrims during the Jubilee period. Furthermore, the text can serve as a beacon of light for many people who find themselves in situations of frustration, desolation, or discouragement, as it focuses on the spiritual depth and practical relevance of the theological virtue of hope. […] Hope in the Holy Land is a complex reality, rooted in a troubled past and projected toward a future of reconciliation and peace. It is a hope grounded in a positive expectation, yet lived in a problematic context. It is a hope that both challenges and comforts, that provokes both action and contemplation. In these situations, marked by difficulty and the temptation of discouragement, humanity is called to never lose sight of the anticipation of a better future and, more than ever, to face present realities – full of uncertainty and challenges – with hope.”
Details of the collaborating authors are below as well as a link to purchase the book on Amazon.
Pilgrims of Hope in the Holy Land
Jubilee 2025 – https://a.co/d/3WYMepE
Archbishop ADOLFO TITO C. YLLANA, Apostolic Nuncio in Israel, Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine
Fr FRANCESCO PATTON, OFM, Custodian of the Holy Land
Fr Gonzalo Monzón, LC, Institute Sacerdos of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
HABIB KHOURY, founder of Via Emmaus Tours, Jerusalem
Alejandro González Cerna, FSC, Dean of Education at the Bethlehem University
Fr FRANCESCO GIOSUÈ VOLTAGGIO, Director of Domus Bethaniae, canon of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
ALESSANDRA SOLDATI, CRC, Spiritual Guide in the Holy Land and director of hospitality at Duc in Altum Sanctuary, Magdala, Israel
Fr FERNANDO DAVID MORALES LUGO, LC, Vice Chargé of the Holy See for the Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, board member of Magdala Center
Fr THOMAS MONTANARO, LC, Director of Global Leadership Development of the Legionaries of Christ, Executive Chairman of the Regina Apostolorum Foundation
Fr DAVID STEFFY, LC, Chargé of the Holy See and the director of the Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, cultural attaché of the Vatican and member of the Nunciature to Israel and the Apostolic Delegation for Jerusalem and Palestine
JOSEPH HAZBOUN, Regional Director of CNEWA, Pontifical Mission
TELESPHORA PAVLOU, Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Patrology, and Biblical Greek at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, tenured professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Studium Theologicum Galilaeae in Corazim
Prof. GUIDO TRAVERSA, Academic Coordinator and professor of the European University of Rome, Professor of Modern and Contemporary Phi-losophy at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
Fr PEDRO BARRAJÓN, LC, Rector of European University of Rome, ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, General Councillor of the Legionaries of Christ, professor of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
Fr JESÚS VILLAGRASA, LC, General Counsellor of the Legionaries of Christ, Delegate of the Director General of the Legion of Christ for the Holy Land, Director of Regnum Christi educational institutions
VÉRONIQUE NEBEL, Founder of Laus Plena Foundation, Member of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Fr GONZALO MONZÓN, LC, Author on the Holy Land, Director of the Sacerdos Priestly Renewal in the Holy Land of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, professor of Sindonology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
Fr PIOTR ZELAZKO, professor at Studium Theologicum Salesianum in Jerusalem
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