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Pope Plans Parish Visit for Sunday, February 25, 2018

Will Hear Confessions, Lead 6 p.m. Mass at the Parish of Saint Gelasius I

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Pope Francis will go on a visit to the parish of Saint Gelasius I, Pope, on via Fermo Corni at Ponte Mammolo, on Sunday, February 5, 2018, according to the Vatican.
The Pope is expected to arrive at the parish around 4 p.m. and will meet with children, catechism students, youth, and families. He will devote time to the sick, elderly, poor and staff of the Caritas center. Also planned is a conversation with two youths, 18 and 25 years old, from the Republic of Gambia and guests of the parish; then the Confession of some parishioners. The Pope will preside over the 6 p.m. Eucharistic liturgy, which will include the concelebration of the other parish priests of the area.
“I can’t describe the emotion I felt when I was told that the Pope would come to meet us,” said the parish priest, Father Giuseppe Raciti, to the diocesan weekly Roma Sette of last Sunday, adding that “the community is in ferment and is preparing with prayer and much work to receive him the best way.”

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