Below is the Vatican-released condolence telegram sent by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on Pope Francis’ behalf, to Cardinal Chibly Langlois, president of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti, for the victims of Hurricane Matthew, which has claimed many lives, including more than 800 in Haiti, and caused considerable damage:
Cardinal Chibly Langlois
President of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti
His Holiness Pope Francis wishes to express his sorrow and to join in prayer in the suffering of all those who have lost loved ones. He conveys to them his sincerest condolences and assures them of his deep sympathy in these painful circumstances. He entrusts the departed to the mercy of God, that He welcome them in His light. He assures them of his spiritual closeness and his affection for the injured, and for all those who have lost their homes and possessions in the disaster. Welcoming and encouraging solidarity in this new hardship the country must face, the Holy Father entrusts all Haitians to the maternal protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and imparts to them, as a sign of consolation and hope, a special apostolic blessing.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
[Original text: French]
[Vatican-provided translation]