“The Radio in the Contemporary Digital Universe since the Death, 80 Years Ago, of William Marconi (1874-1937), is the theme of a congress organized by the Embassy of Italy to the Holy See and the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication, which will be held in Rome on December 15, 2017, stated a press release of this Dicastery, on Monday, December 4, 2017.
It’s entitled “Interferences” and is dedicated to the fruitful collaboration between Marconi, one of the inventors of the radio, and the Vatican, in the first decades of the 20th century.
Mr. Pietro Sebastiani, Italy’s Ambassador to the Holy See, and Monsignor Dario Edoardo Vigano, Prefect of the Secretariat for Communication, will greet the congress’ participants.
There will be a brief historical review during the congress, focused on the work of Marconi at the Vatican, through photos and relics of inestimable value, such as the famous microphone built by Marconi himself and that Pope Pius XI used on February 12, 1931, for the first radio message addressed to the world, on the occasion of the inauguration of Vatican Radio.
University professors and specialists will give their testimony during the gathering. Among those intervening will be Professor Enrico Menduni, of Roma Tre University, one of the great radio experts in Italy, and Professor Raffaella Perin of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, author of the book “The Pope’s Radio: Propaganda and Diplomacy during World War II.”
Several Italian journalists, such as Gerardo Greco, Director of RAI Radio Review and Radio 1, will intervene during the congress.

Vatican Radio Inauguration Par Pie XI and Le Card. Pacelli (Futur Pie XII), Le 12 Fév. 1931, Entre Eux, Guglielmo Marconi @DP
The Future of Radio in the Digital Universe: Congress in Memory of Marconi
William Marconi Died 80 Years Ago