The gathering was filled with warmth and joy as attendees sang «Happy Birthday» in English and Arabic. Msgr. Marcuzzo then led prayers and hymns before delivering a speech reflecting on Sister Claude’s remarkable religious life.
“Peter Is Here: AI for Cultural Heritage” gives life to the patrimony of Saint Peter’s Basilica, immersing one in the interactive virtual world of Minecraft through the block game. The adventure begins by introducing the player in the Tomb of St. Peter, with archaeological research carried out in the 20th century.
According to information gathered by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Father Stephen Echezona was kidnapped on Saturday, March 22, in the diocese of Akwa, Ambara State, while at a gas station buying fuel. Just 24 hours later, the diocese of Owerri announced the abduction of Father John Ubaechu, kidnapped while driving on a road of Imo State.