Feast of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine, the main patroness of the Diocese Latin Photo: Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Lebanon after Nasrallah, crushed by a war it did not want

Hezbollah’s number two announces the fight will continue. The price is already high: over a thousand dead, incalculable devastation, and a humanitarian emergency; but in reception centres and in the streets, words of resentment against the slain secretary general are rare. France and the United States (which approved Israel’s ground operation) continue to talk about a diplomatic solution that seems still far away.

Catholic Patriarch Emeritus of Jerusalem demonstrates that Israel’s security cannot be achieved through violence

n a recently released statement, Sabbah and his colleagues emphasize that the current conflict did not begin with the attacks of 2023. Instead, they trace its roots back to a century-long struggle, starting in 1917 and peaking in pivotal moments like the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the Six-Day War of 1967.