Sloane Avenue

Prefect of Dicastery for Doctrine of the Faith criticizes gender ideology in speech to German theologians

He pointed to the Church’s theological anthropology as a unique and unparalleled framework for understanding human nature. Referring to «Dignitas Infinita», a recent Vatican document on human dignity, Fernández invoked the words of Pope John Paul II, who in 1980 reminded the faithful that God’s love bestows immeasurable worth upon every human being

Scandal in Brazil: Anglican “Priestess” (Concelebrates? And Receives the Eucharist During Inauguration Mass of New Catholic Bishop

Archbishop Odelir José Magri, who assumed his position after being appointed by Pope Francis in November of 2024, praised the ecumenical character of the event in his homily, mentioning Vivian De Oliveira by name. However, her inclusion in the celebration has generated a debate on the limits of inter-religious dialogue and fidelity to the norms established by Canon Law.