
Articles By Tim Daniels

Most celebrate Christmas, few know what they celebrate: surprising revelations from a study

While the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, understanding of its biblical roots is lacking. According to a 2018 Lifeway study, only 22% of U.S. adults believe they could accurately and entirely retell the Nativity story from memory. Another 31% say they could recount it but might miss some details or get others wrong. About 25% could only provide a general summary, while 17% admit they couldn’t recount the story at all.

Cardinal of Chicago asks not to kneel at communion: these are “his” reasons

“Our ritual for receiving Holy Communion holds profound meaning,” Cupich wrote. “It reminds us that receiving the Eucharist is not a private act but a communal one. As such, the established norm—approved by the Holy See and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops—is for the faithful to process together and receive the Sacred Host standing.”