Violence in Nigeria devastates Christians. Photo: Aid to the Church in Need

Sexual Abuse, Homosexuality and Celibacy in the Church. What Is “the Most Widespread Problem? Identity.” Interview with Psychologist Father Stefano Guarinelli

The new President of the Italian Episcopal Conference has announced the re-launching of the Church’s action, and the fight against abuses is news again. A burning topic, at least in so far as the formation of future priests, celibacy, generalized homosexual ideology and inability to transmit the faith to young people. Interview with psychologist Father Stefano Guarinelli.

Who Is the Holy Spirit? The Pope Explains Him with Three Ideas in His Homily for Pentecost, which Is Valid for the Whole Year

“The Holy Spirit will never tell you that all Is well in your journey. He will never tell you that because it’s not true. No, He corrects you, He also leads you to weep for your sins and encourages you to change, to fight against falsehood and hypocrisy, even when it implies difficulty, internal struggle and sacrifice. Instead, the evil spirit pushes you to do always what you like and what you want. He leads you to believe that you have the right to use your freedom as you will. However, afterwards, when you remain empty interiorly” continued the Pope in a part of his homily.