Church against the culture of child abuse

The Original Statue of the Virgin of Fatima Will Be in Rome on October 11-12, 2025

This is the fourth time that the statue leaves the Fatima Shrine to go to Rome. The first was in 1984, on the occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of the Redemption when, on March 25, Saint John Paul II consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The second time was in the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, and the third on the occasion of the Year of Faith with Pope Francis.

Israel: ‘Netanyahu against NGOs, deadly attack on Israeli society’

A Likud bill wants to impose an 80% tax on donations from foreign organisations and limit their right to appeal in court. Speaking to AsiaNews, the Development and External Relations Director of the long-standing pacifist association, which is currently demonstrating with the families of the hostages, confirms his concerns about this law. The risk of distancing Israel from liberal democracies and strengthening authoritarian tendencies.