Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Archbishop and Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Israel: ‘Netanyahu against NGOs, deadly attack on Israeli society’

A Likud bill wants to impose an 80% tax on donations from foreign organisations and limit their right to appeal in court. Speaking to AsiaNews, the Development and External Relations Director of the long-standing pacifist association, which is currently demonstrating with the families of the hostages, confirms his concerns about this law. The risk of distancing Israel from liberal democracies and strengthening authoritarian tendencies.

Christian Leaders Unite Against Jerusalem Municipality’s Move to Seize Armenian Patriarchate Properties

In April 2023, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, noted a sharp increase in such incidents since Netanyahu’s current government took office in December 2022. His coalition, widely described as Israel’s most right-wing government in history, includes ultra-nationalist figures with open hostility toward Christian institutions.

Sister Nabila: Trump’s (and Netanyahu’s) plan for Gaza is ‘unimaginable’

The Rosary Sisters nun who shared life with Gazans under Hamas rule as well as the suffering of war spoke to AsiaNews about the US president’s statement in favour of expelling Palestinians from Gaza to turn it into a “Riviera” of the Middle East. For her, Palestinians must be able to live on their own land; otherwise, it would be “like telling the American people to abandon their land”.